Goals to have as a mother
Life changes when you welcome into the world your children. So, with that your goals are more likely to change and shift. What you want to be, do, and even see will shift with parenting. Making a list, a vision board, or even just a sticky note with your goals on it can help you achieve them.
Now, what are goals to have as a mother? Here is some great options, you will find some great ideas and goals to add into your every day life.
Read the Bible every day
Pray with your children
Memorize verses about motherhood
Embrace grace, for you and your children
Find time to spend with the Lord everyday
Keep a prayer journal
Keep a gratitude journal
Read the Bible with your children
Pray Daily
If none of these stick out to you, think deeply about what a mother with a strong testimony and is close to the Lord does and start to try one of those things. Start with one habit one at a time so that you do not get overwhelmed. Begin with baby steps for each habit. Maybe that means 5 minutes a day, and the next week begin 10 minutes a day.
Take a walk everyday
Do a 10 minute workout
Stretch for 10-20 minutes a day
Drink plenty of water
Eat 3 healthy meals a day
Sleep 6-8 hours a night
Walk 10,000 steps
Keep a workout log
Meal prep snacks and meals
Try a new type of workout
Taking care and moving our body that the Lord gave us is so important. He made our bodies to move, to eat food that nourishes us. By managing our health, we set the pace for later in life. Thankfully we have resources to know how much water to drink, healthy and tasty recipes, and even fun work outs! YouTube, Pinterest, or just a good ole fashion Google search will help you be inspired to move your body that the Lord knit together.
Have a date night
Make time once a month for friends
Text someone you’ve been thinking about
Tell someone what you appreciate and admire about them
Pray for your husband and family
Tell your spouse 10 things you love about him
Listen to others when they speak
Bring your friends a dinner/dessert to show you care
Get your husband flowers
Perform an act of service for your husband
Relationships can be a hard thing to manage when you have children. Though we should not let them go by the wayside. When the kids are all grown and moving out it will be you and your husband, keeping the spark and love alive will save many fights and hurt feelings. Take time to nurture the relationships God has given you. Work to be the best support to your spouse and friends that you can be. Now, do not let it consume you and forget other things. Take time once a month to grow the relationships, or bi-weekly.
Mental Health:
Journal daily
Spend 10 minutes in silence
1 self care task a day
Try a new hobby
Create a routine that works for you and your family
Limit Screen time
Read 10 pages of a book a day
Get some sunlight
Practice mediation
Ask for help
Keeping your mental health in a good spot is important. Finding something that helps you will benefit not only you, but your children. Whether your mental health break is taking a walk, spending time with the Lord, or spending time in a good book, knowing yourself and what helps will be amazing. Screen time has been linked to anxiety issues, so maybe yourself care is for an hour a day you put the phone down and just read, or think of the blessings the Lord has given.
Goals are a fabulous way to continue to grow yourself and your family. Find some that speak to you and start working on it! Do not stress if it is hard at first, work on consistency over how long you do the task for.
Ask for help, talk to your spouse about what new goal you have. Start a new goal as a family. Focus on being the best you that the Lord knows you can be.
Set maybe one at a time until it because a habit, trying to do a whole 180 will overwhelm you and bring you back to square one. You can do this Mama!