Overstimulation as a Mom

Over stimulation is something that most likely happens to most Moms. It is when you’re needed all the time, constant noise, trying to run the house, and complete everything for everyone. Being overstimulated can make you irritable or close to tears. This does not mean you are a bad mom.

When I finally realized that when the kids were just being kids and I got frustrated it was actually just overstimulation. Once I noticed that is all it was, it made sense. I was able to notice in the moment that I was not actually upset and the kids were not being bad I was just hitting my limit for noise or touching.

Now when I am aware of what is going in my own brain, I am 10x more patient with my family. Something about just knowing that I am just overstimulated and need a break. It does take trial and error to find what helps you calm down.

As a mom of multiples calming down is essential. You need to remember that your emotions are worth taking some time to devote time to. When we become moms our feelings and need go down to the bottom of the list, but that is not how it should be. You can not fill up everyone’s bucket and tend to their needs if you do not tend to your owns.

It is easy to understand when a toddler is overstimulated that they need a nap, hungry, or some more attention. So why is it so hard to be able to give yourself a small break, or a snack? I found that when I am overstimulated I might just need a piece of chocolate or to take 5 minutes for myself. I also love to put on music, or one of my favorite podcasts.

You may try several different things to figure out what helps you calm down.


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