Block Schedule

Ever feel like you’re running out of time? Wondering how anyone gets anything done while having children? Thinking to yourself “What did I even do today”? Then you need block scheduling. Not to be cheesy but block scheduling changed our lives. I get everything I want done and still have tons of time on my hands to play with the kids.

Now it is important to remember in this blog I will use my examples are simply that my examples. I am pulling from my circumstances and routine. That is one of the best things about the block schedule, it is designed to work for literally anyone! Once you understand how the block schedule it will be simple to plug in your own life instead of mine.

What you need to do is stop living life hour by hour. With this routine you can start living block by block.

The idea of block scheduling is that you treat a period of time almost like a class in high school. from 1:30 to 3:30 you are in that specific class and that is what you should be focusing on. The thought is the same. from 10:-12 you focus on a few things, if you do not get them done, then get them in at the end of the next block if there is time, if not then worry about it tomorrow.

It can make it simpler to have certain tasks that are similar for example an errands block, and you schedule all of your outings in this block to batch you tasks outside the home. You can also have unplugged blocks where you make sure to put down any electronic and enjoy some time without screens.

Stop scheduling your life hour by hour and start scheduling the block schedule! Target your time on specific tasks during that block and let the rest of it go. Throw your entirety into your current block.

Planning your day will become quick and easy because of block schedule. Don’t sit around and wonder what you need to do, look at what you said in your block, if you have completed all the tasks in your block take some time to relax until your next block! Your blocks will change day to day but the structure is the same.

In my shop I have several block schedule templates, subscribe with your email to get a 50% off code.


Morning Routine with 2 kids