So often these days we see how hard motherhood is, how stressful it is, how difficult it is to cope with motherhood etc. While I see the benefit of an occasional venting session.
I think it is so important to be transparent about the truths about motherhood. But while there is some negative truths, there is some beautiful and astounding truths of motherhood as well. I wanted to speak to those more so.
This page is supposed to be uplifting and a breath of fresh air in a world that can be incredibly smothering with its negativity.
Children are a reward.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”
Oh how beautiful is this verse? Children are a blessing, they are meant as a reward from the Lord. They are the most precious gift that He could give. The world loves to tell you how many kids to have, that having a family stops you from living and is a burden.
Why can we not switch that mindset?? Move on from thinking and telling ourselves that children are tough and draining. Why not remind ourselves of the truth the Lord has given us that they are the award.
Children also feel so special and loved to know they are viewed as precious and to have parents who delight in them. They need us to see them as the bonus to life that they are. Something my mother told us when we were younger that I now repeat to my children on a daily basis is, “You are wanted, you are needed, and you are LOVED.”
Your kids should know they are a wanted gift from Heaven, that they are needed here on earth to leave their legacy, and they are beyond loved especially by their parents who know they are the reward from Heavenly Father.
Something to remember when you are down that this verse is: Children are not a chore, they are a gift. It is easy in motherhood to get swept up in the many tasks and hard work that is being a parent.
But to be able to see this verse and remember, they are gifts. My life has been blessed by the Lord with these little souls, even when it is tough. My children are a gift, it a great affirmation to say on those tough days.
We need to follow Christ’s example.
“For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”
So, you may be thinking. Miriam what does this have to do with motherhood or feeling down on ourselves?? Well, hear me out.
For some context on these verse, Jesus is at the last supper and he is about to wash the feet of the disciples. Something a SERVANT normally did for someone. Some low, low, low on the totem pole. Not something our King and Savior should be doing right?? Wrong.
Jesus is teaching us here that he is the example, he who is pure and clean is still getting down and washing our feet. He is someone who will make the ultimate sacrifice for us.
It can be easy peasy to see motherhood as unglamourous, dishes, poopy diapers, cleaning, endless snacks, tantrums and on and on. Motherhood is not some fancy job where you get to rest and look your best 24/7. Y
ou are in the thick of truly some gross stuff especially when they are little. (Ever had to fish things out of the toilet or clean poop off the walls? I have and it is NOT pretty"). As a mother we make the sacrifice of our time, energy, and love to these little people.
We chose to be as Christ like as possible and devote ourselves to our children, just as he devoted himself to us. Parenting simply put is following in the footsteps of Christ as we sacrifice ourselves to raising these cherished souls.
You can draw strength from these verses knowing what you are doing right now, is a Christ life sacrifice. Motherhood allows us to follow his example . It can bring us so much closer to our Savior as we listen to his words and surrender to him. To be selfless and wash the feet of others. Which as a mother you will do literally.
You will be praised for all your hard work and dedication to your home and children.
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”
How amazing are those verses? The ones after that are also amazing we will get to them later in the blog. I wanted to talk about just these verses for a while. It gives us a great look at what we as woman are. Strong, full of dignity, wise, hardworking, and blessed!
It takes all of these things to be a mother, and a homemaker. I feel like it is so common to see people discussing how easy it is to stay home, that being a stay at home mom is not a job. Here we see the Lord says the opposite, we work hard in the homes, something that takes strength and hard work!
Do not let the words of the world get you done. You are a bad a**, one who the Lord brags on and praises you for what you are doing. Your children, and husband are blessed that you are home and are taking on this divine role. You are teaching kindness, wisdom, and the value of hard work to your family.
This is something that can not and should not be replaced. You are blessed and irreplaceable.
You are the crown, aka the prize!
“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband.”
Now there is a second half of the verse, it ends with “but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones”. When I am having a trying time the first half of the verse.
That trying my best to be an excellent wife and mother is truly a help to my family. By remembering the work you do in the home makes you the CROWN of your husband. Back in those days too crowns were something fancy, something to be desired and ogled about.. Kings had dang crowns!
So you doing housework and raising children makes you something to be delighted in.
When you are having a day where you feel low, there is the phrase to not let your crown fall. There is some biblical truth to that! You are the crown, let us not fall.
Remind yourself of the multitude of blessing you have and that abundance of good that your role as a mother and a wife brings to your family. You are extraordinary and a crown that is worth everything and more!
Oh isn’t that such a beautiful sentence?? Your children will rise up and call you blessed. I truly that when I am gone or even not near them my children will be able to say what they loved about me and call me blessed.
Your children may not always see the sacrifice you give to them on a daily basis now in their younger state. Though one day as they grow and mature they will. They will see how blessed they were to have you and they will rejoice in you as a mother.
Relationships these days can be very challenging and strained but that never means that your children won’t see all you did. I did not realize how much my mother did for me until I had Lucy.
How much time she spent on even the little things. My mother and I have a very complicated relationship and we are not close, but I still call her blessed and am grateful for what she did.
How honoring is it to be able to be called blessed by those we give the most to and the ones who matter more than anything. This makes it all worth it. To be the everything for someone like our children. You are a blessing momma don’t you forget it!
The Lord is with you through all things, including this.
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Now, this verse does not mention mothers specifically but it speaks so strongly to me as a mother. Our calling as a mother is being attacked. It is frowned about to do many things as a mother and everyone has an opinion on what you should do, how many kids to have or don’t have, how to raise them, where to raise them, etc.
BUT don’t forget this is the calling God gave to women, and if He is with us and He is for us what else matters???
The answer is nothing, who can be against us? No one, God is there cheering you on for taking on the role of motherhood. I encourage you to read that whole chapter, it is full of such fantastic encouragement.
God is your armor, He is your shield. The Lord is with you on this journey of parenting, no matter how low you are, how tired, over stimulated, over whelmed, and everything else He has not left you. That is huge.
Through Him all things are possible. If you are having tough times do not hesitate to lean on the one who gave you this mission, He is there for you!
You are your children’s teacher and your legacy will live on.
“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children.”
The role a mother is simple and yet complicated at the same time! Take care of these little people and keep them alive, that is the easy part. Feeding them 3 meals a day. clothing them, and all the physical necessities are easy enough. For me the tougher part is how to instill how to be a follower of Christ.
The ability to help keep them on track to be the people God intends them to be. This is why this very verse holds such a special place in my heart as a mother.
If I take care, if I remember what I have seen and the Lord has done for me and I teach that to my children then they will know. They will know the Lord, his blessings, and that following His word will keep them on the right path.
Remembering and teaching your children the good that following the Lord gives them is the best gift you can give them and they will keep them with this forever.
I have put it on this blog before that my relationship with my own mother is VERY strained and heavy on my heart, but one thing I am sure of is that I have the testimony and faith that I have from her example.
My mother lead by example of praying, reading, the Bible, leaving things better than you found them, and helping others. These are all things I want to keep in my heart and have my children continue these traits.
Nothing happens that is not apart of the Lord’s plan for you and your family.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
This is one my daughter reminds me of every day, not because she necessarily thinks I need to hear it , but because when she does something, or we have an activity she tells me that this what God planned for her. She has such the faith of a little child, so wholesome and sweet. It is an amazing reminder that God knows us, he has a plan for us. Even on our hardest days where it is easy to think he is not there He is.
The Lord knows the plans He has for us and he will make sure that we will be on the path that gets us there. If His plan for us will always be the best plan, to submit to Him on the days when you feel low is important to give up control and give God our future and hope. God will never let us down and He will get us there when we need to be there.
How easy is it for us to just plan the dream life we want? I do this all the time, I am a dreamer and I love to think what I want my life is going to be. Submitting to God’s plan is very hard for me, but time and time again I have seen that His plan is better than my own.
Trusting in him has lead me to Bryton, my girls, our home, my job, and truly everything that I am blessed with was the Lord’s plan. I tried to lead my life one way and BAM the Lord will tell me Miriam this is better. Man is He right, the older I get the better I am at going with the Lord’s flow and being patient but don’t worry if this is hard for you because same.
Just don’t give up on trusting Him. He has a plan and I promise it is better than anyone you could dream up.
Patience doing rough days, rejoice in the season you are in, pray pray pray.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Patience is something the Bible needs from us. Practice it like a muscle, and do NOT forget to practice it on yourself. You deserve patience as well.
Just because you are the parent and the adult does not mean you do not need grace. The Lord wants you to flourish in the role He gave women not to sit here and shame ourselves over a day that did not go well or when we feel low.
Being able to know we too get grace and can try again to be better and to flex the patient muscle to help it grow over time. Now, these are some of the most stunning verses in the Bible to me.
They help line out our role as mothers and such strong pillars to lean on when I am struggling.
Patience is an attribute of the Lord and it is a wonderful way that we can be like Him. While raising children patience is important. Patience with them, our spouses, and ourselves. When we are having a bad day, do not let it get you. Be patient, this will be okay! You got this.
Faith can help you guard yourself from the enemy, who will try to make us miserable.
“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.”
The adversary is adamant to tear down the role of motherhood, raising children, and finding fulfillment in the role that God has called woman to fill. Motherhood is a divine calling and ordained of God. He chose mothers to be the others who are to raise and nurture the next generations for time and all eternity.
We are a huge piece of shaping the children of the future and raising them in a way to bring them up to be outstanding people. There are so many truths about motherhood and the role that moms play int the Bible when you are feeling low or discouraged in your season of life.
Taking up a shield and the armor of God to stay strong as a mother to stay safe from the darts of the Devil is so desperately important. Your home is also a piece of armor against the evil one.
The Lord is building your home
Psalm 127:
Unless the Lord builds the house those who build it in vain.
The strong foundation that you set in home for your children will keep them safe as well as giving them a huge head start in life. I read somewhere that we have no shortage on career woman but we are in need of Godly woman to be homemakers. I could not find who said that first, but it was a beautiful sentiment. If I find who is the one who said it I will give them credit.
Do not play into the world telling you there is more important things and that for someone else to raise them while you work is better. There is no one better to be there with your children than you.
You are building a beautiful home on the foundation of the Lord. Which will bring you nothing but goodness and love.
The Lord will help you create a home on pure love of Christ and a sturdy foundation. Is there anything better for our children?
The Lord is with you through this time. You are doing his work and you will be rewarded for being the best mom that you can be! He chose you to be the mom of your children and He does not make mistakes. You are capable and strong. He is with you, if you need lean on Him.
You got this Momma!!!